As I was driving up the Eastern Shore for my lovely and talented girlfriend, Angie's bachelorette weekend I had the strangest urge to stop and buy a Bible. It got very intense. Every fiber in my being told me I needed to get my hands on a Bible. Like something is coming, big changes, and I needed a road map.
Well, I was driving through farm country so there really wasn't anywhere to stop and buy one so I kept driving.
Let me just tell you here that I had gotten new windshield wipers put on my car two weeks ago. I hadn't used them yet because things have been a little dry for a few weeks but I noticed one seemed a little loose. I was going to go back and have them adjusted when I returned from my trip.
Okay, back to driving. For several hours it looked like I was driving straight into some intense electrical storms. When I finally hit rain I turned on my wipers and noticed the one in front of me was reaching over the side of the windshield. Three swipes later it flopped over the side of my car and stayed there. Here I am, driving up the Eastern Shore in driving rain with my wiper flipped over the side of the car and sticking out. What a sight. So I pulled over, flipped it back into place and waited for the shower to pass.
When I got back on the road I prayed I wouldn't hit more rain. But as I reached the speed limit I noticed the wiper was creeping up the windshield and not staying in the off possition. This wasn't going to work. It was 9:30 at night. No place is open to have someone look at it. I start praying for a well lit place to pull off to try to fix it myself. I passed a few shopping centers and a walmart but they just didn't feel like the place I was suppose to stop. So I kept praying and driving. I finally pulled off on an exit and into a gas station. After fighting with my wiper for a good 20 minutes trying to get it off I decided just to see if they sold duct tape so I could tape the thing down. I figured at least I might be able to get to Philly that way.
A trucker was filling the underground tanks at the gas station and asked if I'd like him to take a look. Saving grace. After working with the bolt for 15 minutes he was finally able to get the entire wiper and arm off the car. At least this way I could still use the other wiper if I needed to. This was the best option yet. I thank him profusely and thank God for answered prayer and get back on the road. The whole time, praying, please God no problems, I only have one wiper. Please God, I only have one wiper. I was still 2 hours from Angie's.
I didn't hit another rain shower until I was nearly half way through Philly on I-95 north. And then it came. I didn't know whether it was better to desperately try to stay in between the lines or to try to merge through 3 lanes of traffic to pull over. Praying for an answer, I just kept driving. And I managed to see. Not well, but I could see the lines. So I drove. Please God just get me there. And He did. In the dark, in driving rain, with one windshield wiper. He got me there.
I have terrible night vision. In the rain, when its dark, its nearly impossible for me to see. That night, I saw. I got there. I didn't even have to slow down below the speed limit. Talk about the amazing power of prayer. My God is an awesome God.
I still had the urge to get my hands on a Bible but it was less intense and I knew I could wait until I got home to my Bible.
I still feel like big changes are coming. Big, big changes. And I had better have my hands on
the Road Map.