Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A little failure, a little progress

So apparently yeast has a shelf-life. Which, I feel like I've heard before but didn't commit to memory. Last night I tried to make cinnamon rolls for the first time. Epic failure. I ended up with something sort of like cinnamon crackers but with a very flour-y taste. Eww. When I checked the date on the package it told me I should have used that yeast prior to November 2008. Oops. Lesson learned.

The picture doesn't nearly do justice to these. They almost look normal but let me assure you... the dough never rose.

I finally found my DSLR battery charger. And then after another long search, the USB cable as well. And so... without further ado, crafty pictures! They aren't great, the lighting was terrible but here's my progress with cutting out quilt pieces...

I think these colors will be pretty all together. Maybe with a brown polka dot and blue gingham border.

And as for the failed quilt block...

Looks beautiful, in all its un-ironed glory, until I realized that the white pieces are where the brown pieces should be. And vice versa. Wine and quilting. Another lesson learned.

And let's not forget about Francis and her nearly one full sleeved self. My first sweater. I'm proud. And afraid to try it on.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Patience Please

Soooo... I know there are no pictures of this craftiness I speak of. I have two problems. First... my point and shoot camera is jammed at half mast. Second... I seem to have misplaced the battery charger for my DSLR in my recent move. And the pictures I tried to take with the blackberry... not so good. Hopefully I'll solve one of these problems and have crafty pictures to post soon. Real soon.

On the afore mentioned craft front, I've taken some inspiration from some fellow bloggers and given Francis a try. Or Francis Revisited. Since this is my first attempt, I like to call her just Francis. I have the body complete and am about four rows away from having an arm on her. Pictures soon. I hope.

I have also cut out nearly all of the pieces for a disappearing nine patch quilt. I got a little excited Saturday night and decided to put together a block. Wrong. All wrong. Wine and quilting and late hours of the evening. Wrong. And I only have a nearly exact amount of one of the fabrics. No more wine. No more late nights. I don't want to have to buy more of this fabric. I'd rather spend my craft dollars on the next step of the process.

Between these two projects, the semester starting up, and the move I mentioned I think that's enough going on. Like I said, pictures. Soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blog Namesake

This picture was taken in February 2009 not long after I adopted Molly McGee. She's a monster and I love her for it. She loves the beach, Nilla wafers, and anything squeaky. She's my best buddy and never leaves my side.

Here she is in her life vest on the lake. She loved the vest.... loved the boat... but this was her reaction to the water...
