Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The fever.

Bride fever. Baby fever. I'm surounded by fevers.

Must. Not. Catch. Them.

Instead I choose to live vicariously through those around me and enjoy the blessings in their lives. So many of my friends are getting married and having babies right now and I feel fortunate that I am able to share in their joy.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of meeting the BF's cousin's new little man. Just three weeks old and already had every female in the room wrapped around his finger. An afternoon with this little one was just enough to hold me over til the next visit.

Because let's be honest, it isn't going to be my turn for a long. Long. LOOOOOooong time.

Even if this guy is a natural.

One more sign that he might be worth keeping around.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Once you have a baby then you will know what true love really means. I thought I knew BUT found out otherwise when they handed me my daughter....

